Al-Qaeda Attack The United States

Written By Heru Prasetio on Thursday, July 21, 2011 | 3:15 AM

Al-Qaeda terrorist network plans to attack the United States, the plans are carried out Al-Qaeda will attack U.S. facilities, such as oil refineries and chemical plants.

some point of attack Al-Qaeda to the United States were to be improved security.Al-Qaeda would attack the United States to avenge the deaths of Al-Qaeda leaders, namely Osama bin Laden or Osama bin Laden.

That, Al-Qaeda was planning to attack the United States with plans to launch a larger attack again to the United States to celebrate a decade of an event the collapse of the twin towers World Trade Center, New York, which fell on 11 September.

based on information received, Al-Qaeda would attack the United States in a way through a mature infrastructure accounted for by bin Laden, in a manner like that of Al-Qaeda could destroy American citizens. Al-Qaeda was very confident with the various reports that can be in the count, by attacking the infrastructure, information systems and various United States as well as various facilities.