We Can Healthy Sex

Written By Heru Prasetio on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 12:58 PM

One way that can be done by married couples to strengthen the relationship is by having sex. Facts show that in a single day there are 100 million sexual intercourse that occurred in the world.

Sexual intercourse is done regularly can be beneficial to health such as lowering heart risk. Some interesting facts about the intimacy of the couple around the world successfully obtained.

Facts about sex were found in daily intercourse happened 100 million worldwide, as quoted by Medindia.
There are also facts about the intimacy that made by the couple, namely:

1. Kissing is good for health, because the exchange of saliva, which can reduce tooth decay and keep the mouth clean.

2. A person can burn calories by 26 calories just by doing a kiss for 1 minute, this means that if someone kissing for 10 minutes will burn 260 calories.

3. Studies have found that endorphins are released when a woman can achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse was able to relieve the pain in the head.

4. Having sex for half an hour in bed could actually burn 150 calories and if done as much as 7-8 times a month could mean you lose weight by 3 kg in a year.

5. The man turned out to think about sex more often than women. The study found that 54 percent of men memilikirkan sex every day, whereas only 19 percent of women.

6. Known people from the United States and Greece have sex more often as many as 124 and 117 times a year, the Indians do as much as 76 times a year and fewer Japanese are only 36 times a year.

7. Facts show that every year there are about 6-9 billion condoms are used, and most condoms are produced in Thailand is nearly 3 billion a year.

8. The words related to sex such as the vagina, breasts, porn, sex, nude and girls known as the most searched word on the internet each year.

9. Condoms are proved to have other functions during World War II, condoms are used to cover the tip of a gun from being damaged when soldiers have to swim at the beach or sea.