IPad2 Made From Ancient Animal Bone

Written By Heru Prasetio on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 | 6:57 AM

Sounds indeed very strange but, IPad2 computer tablet is made from ancient animal Bones are rewarded with a fantastic price. IPad2 that the seal by the bones of Tyrannosaurus rex is on sale at very very high, around 5 million Poundsteling or Rp 68 billion.

not only that, the material IPad2 manufacture of ancient animal Bones is also very special, special IPad2 manufacture this material is also coated with 24 carat gold and gemstones are very step.

Designers IPad2 this way the author of the ancient animal Bones and very luxurious it was Stuart Hughes. He covered the product of step with stones Aplle ammolite 75 million years old. He also added the T-Rex bone to the front IPad2. carnivorous dinosaur thigh bone was then measured and plugged into the computer table ammolite.
IPad2 which has become a masterpiece was made ​​only two units. So far, Hughes was known as the designer 'gadgets' most unique. He said he was happy when I had to decorate his gadgets.