How To Eliminate Stress during pregnancy

Written By Heru Prasetio on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 12:45 PM

Find the cause. Reflect and discuss it with her ​​husband and family what are the things that become a heavy burden your mind.

Keep your intake of nutrients. Keeping food intake can also help pregnant women reduce the risk of stress and depression.

Regular exercise, a healthy body helps you in maintaining mental health and mind.

Avoid bad habits, like smoking and drinking alcohol. Divert your attention every time a desire to do those bad habits come up with activities that can bring more benefits to you, these bad habits can trigger stress and depression.

Lines of communication. Not only with her ​​husband and family, communication can also be forged among pregnant women. Equation fate and experience can help ease the burden of your mind.

Diligent move. Active activities are beneficial for pregnant women, such as yoga, hanging out with friends, and recreation, will make your mind is not focused on things that you usually think of weight and also reduce stress hormones.

Rest comfortably and fairly. In addition to the house, breaks can also be done while traveling out of town. Choose a comfortable place and quiet vacation, so you can rest with ease, Note also the resting position that is right for pregnant women.

Consult a physician. Wherever possible, all complaints and uncomfortable feelings you discussed with your doctor you trust, doctors will assess whether you need medical or psychological treatment so that precautions can be done immediately.