Powerful Ways To Save Memory

Written By Heru Prasetio on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 | 1:17 AM

It is feared women of the aging is the appearance of wrinkles and gray hair. To avoid this, many women seek different ways to look younger appearance. But did you ever think to save memory? Moreover, the aging process is actually not only occur in the skin. Brain cells are also at risk of weakening, so that our memory is at stake.

You know, with age, the brain also shrinks. This condition triggers the brain to slow down the communication between cells. As a result, we become senile and difficult to focus. So what can we do to avoid it all?

As reported by the page Prevention Indonesia not long ago, this is a healthy habit that we can do to stay young brain performance:

1. Sport

Research shows, the elderly who do moderate exercise levels, such as road sports as much as five times a week, managed to suppress the emergence of symptoms of dementia after a routine exercise for six months.

Until now, researchers do not yet understand the exact effectiveness of exercise can suppress the deterioration of the brain. But the researchers proved, exercise is very effective in suppressing the production of stress hormones in the brain that affects the whole body function. Exercise also makes us sleep more soundly, so that the brain's ability to repair damaged cells from the optimal blood flow during sleep can occur perfectly.

2. Enjoying Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

Experts advise people who are experiencing stress levels for eating fruits and vegetables. Not just fruit and vegetables of one kind only, but should vary. Because variation is what will make the brain get different types of antioxidants that can save us from free radical attack.

3. Give "challenge" for the Brain Mental

Randolph Schiffer, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, explains, the brain is trained on a regular basis will further establish the level of sharpness of memory. Exercises such as what it takes brains? Actually quite fun because we're doing is playing, ie playing sudoku, chess, or do crossword puzzles.

4. Give Body Good Sleep Quality

Do you know what will be enjoyed by the brain when we sleep eight hours of good quality? The answer is the work of cognitive and memory of the brain will be more optimal. Therefore, the bed can cause the body to suppress the production of stress hormones. So the whole body will feel relaxed. "There are even parts of the brain are active when we are actually asleep," said P. Murali Doraiswamy, chief of Biological Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center and author of The Alzheimer's Action Plan.

But do not necessarily rely on sleeping pills in order to make the brain to enjoy all the benefits of it. Therefore, instead of sleeping pills side effects on the brain. Therefore, we should consult with your doctor to eat.