Sony eReader Will be released in August

Written By Heru Prasetio on Friday, July 15, 2011 | 11:07 PM

Sony unveiled its newest product that is sony eredaer to be launched in August next.
of sources of information obtained from Mashable, which is the largest company in launching its newest product jepeng
that the estimated price of USD 180 to USD 300.

From some of the information he had not released any price whether it be it price or what features.
launch of the Sony eReader is going to compete with Amazon Kindle to be launched in August next,
but before Sony launches its newest product will enter the sony ebook technology.

Some of the differences that will be launched by Sony eReader in August next, ie, output eReader Barnes & Noble,
Simple Touch and Color Nook, which is different from the others, tapimempunyai the same capabilities with a PC tablet.
Sony eReader with it will dominate the market launch of the newest in recent years.

EReader market is increasingly heating up to the entry of the latest version of the eReader from Sony to the market this year.

As quoted by Mashable, the giant Japanese electronics company plans to launch the latest version of the Sony Reader in August with the price range of USD180 to USD300.

EReader latest device designed to compete with the Amazon Kindle, will enter the market before Sony launches its first tablet this year. Sony's own party also plans to incorporate technology into two tablets ebook they are called S1 and S2.

"We have not released any information, whether it's price, features, and the time of launch," said the Sony representative.

The Sony Reader is expected to compete with current market leader in the category of eReader, which is Amazon Kindle. In addition, the Sony Reader will also compete with Barnes & Noble eReader output, namely Nook. For now, all devices are priced at USD139.

That little distinguishes the output eReader Barnes & Noble, Simple Touch and Color Nook, with the other device is to have some similar capabilities with a PC tablet.

At the same time, Amazon reportedly is developing a tablet, which would make Sony must be aware of the increasingly harsh competition in the market eReader