Brain Also Need Rest 30 Minutes

Written By Heru Prasetio on Friday, July 29, 2011 | 10:05 AM

Have a brain in humans also needs to rest for 30 minutes, the brain receives information and commands at the same time. by giving the brain a rest for 30 minutes, the brain's memory we can recall it well.

the human brain, especially in males, very occasionally need a break for about 30 minutes. Because, male brain is not designed to do a lot of work in time simultaneously that why the brain is needed to rest for 30 minutes.

difficult for the brain to receive the latest information so that tend to forget, and in the brain at rest suggest that for about 30 minutes, by giving rest to the brain for 30 minutes the brain we can think clearly again and not likely to forget.
A neurologist from Harvard Medical School, Prof. Edwin Robertson, D. Phil, confirm that the human brain really needs to rest for 30 minutes. because, limited memory capacity of the brain. Brain memory is big enough, but like a computer which will slow performance when running multiple programs at once.

Robertson also suggested brain should pause 30 minutes before receiving new orders so that no information is forgotten. In addition to giving pause to the brain, another way to increase the memory by choosing the most relaxing time to receive information. So many students find it easier to recall the subject if they read it again before bed.