Beauty May be obtained from Food Self

Written By Heru Prasetio on Thursday, August 4, 2011 | 1:58 AM

Beautify yourself not spend a lot of money, Beauty itself also may be obtained from various types of foods, and fruits. indeed use the day cream, night cream, body lotion is important to maintain the beauty of the skin beauty.

But the real beauty also may be obtained from various foods do not need to spend extra money to buy creams that claim the formula up to date. because the food becomes a very important key that also affect the condition of your skin, hair and even nails.

Here are a variety of foods must be consumed in order to get those perfect beauty. among others,

in order to maintain the beauty and health, many women who spend too much money to get the perfect beauty, to buy vitamin c best. indeed, according to an examiner, found that vitamin C can diminish wrinkles and beautify the skin.

No need to take a pill or injection of vitamin C to get younger and glowing skin. You can get from the source, namely papaya, oranges, broccoli and peppers.
Oysters are a source of mineral zinc. While zinc is important for the growth of nails and hair. These types of shellfish can also increase collagen to keep your skin moist and glowing.

This type of green vegetable has a nice effect to your skin and hair because they contain biotin and vitamin B complex. Vegetables are also known as Swiss chard is also rich in vitamins A, C and K. All vitamins were associated with anti aging.

Soybeans are rich in omega 3 fatty acids are good for your skin and can maintain weight. Omega 3 from soybeans has been shown to fight inflammation in the body and prevent dry skin and makes skin look young.

Brazil nut
Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, an important mineral for skin health. Selenium works as an anti-oxy that can fight free radicals, such as sunlight and pollution hazards.

However, it is not advisable to eat Brazil nuts is too much. The content its selenium can make hair loss, nail yellowing and acne.